Function to concatenate netCDF files in a given folder for a given set of variables giving Header, Middle, Tail for the name files
netcdf_fold_concatenation_HMT(values, ncfile, varn)
  [values]= [fold],[dimname]
    [fold]: folder with the location of the netCDF files
    [dimname]: dimension along which files should be concatenated
    [vardimname]: name of the dimension variable with the values
  [ncfile]= [header],[middle],[tail]
    [header] = header of the name of the files to concatenate [ncfile]*[middle]*[tail]
    [middle] = middle of the name of the files to concatenate [ncfile]*[middle]*[tail]
    [tail] = tail of the name of the files to concatenate [ncfile]*[middle]*[tail]
  [varn]= ',' separated list of variables to concatenate
    [var1],[var2],[...[varN]] or 'all' for all variables
$ python ${pyHOME}/ -o netcdf_fold_concatenation_HMT -S forcings,tstep,tstep -f forcing,Aconcagua,nc -v tstep,LWdown,PSurf,Qair,Rainf,Snowf,SWdown_aerosol,Tair,Wind,SWdown,land